This is Amanda Evans also known as “Philosokitten.” Amanda is originally from St. Paul Minnesota USA. Amanda is you’re “A” typical white liberal twat. Born into wealth and privilege out of the private High School she went to she then attended the University of Notre Dame. While at Notre Dame she played the trumpet in the marching band and exposed herself on Tumblr. Tumblr is where Amanda’s true self came to light, she’s a self-attention seeking slut. Philosokitten developed an eating disorder and documented it while she posted nudes for her fans on Tumblr. She even took request from complete strangers on the web and when asked would bend over and take a selfie of her ass. The slut even went and made a carrier out of her eating disorder. Beginning in the fall of 2024, I will be a Teaching Assistant Professor in the department of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) at the University of Pittsburgh. She is also engaged to Tim O’Brian from Boise Idaho, and I have no Ideal if he knows about Philosokitten. Please add time and a thumbs up to Amanda. Also please check out my other sluts and do the same. Always remember to COPY-SAVE-REPOST.
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Riley Checker
2024-09-11 at 15:58fucking epic! wow!